Automatismes &
Enginyeria Industrial

Les nostres especialitats

- Màquines industrials fetes a mida ( Mecànica, electrònica i programació
- Control i regulació de Clima ( Calor i Fred)
- Automatitzacions ( màquines, Il·luminació …)
- Domòtica

Software Testing

Embedded software is tested for their performance, verified for their functionality and validated against the requirements of the clients. Well chosen test cases will confirm expected behaviour for the EXTREME boundaries of input domains, output domains and parametric combination


Autosar became a huge software architecture aimed to address all specificity of the automotive embedded softwares

Our Services

Els nostres PARTNERS

Why Hexersoft

We help all companies in the automotive field to develop, build and test complex hardware and software solutions and products fast and cost effectively to compete in the increasingly challenging automotive market.

About Nexsyon

Our Founders bring 15+ years of experience and PhD level education.


We use a team approach to ensure your project is staffed with the right talent.


Our team members are senior engineers who bring a depth and breadth of experience. So your projects runs smoothly.


Your project benefits from our knowledge and experience in the German automotive industry.


Open auto start expertise supports and streamlines your innovative electronic system development.

About Nexsyon

Have A Question?
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If you need help with the automotive embedded software let's talk. A quick conversation is the best way to find out if we are the right team to help with your project. Give us a call at +376 372 003 / 008 or fill out our contact form. We will be in touch shortly.

About Nexsyon